Save the Bags @ Havana Theatre, Vancouver – November 28th 2019

Save the Bags is a wacky multidisciplinary art show, plastic bag donation event and fundraiser for our new one-whale-play, Stuffy the Whale, coming this summer of 2020. Join us for an evening of local performance art, storytelling, film and more!

There are a number of prizes to be won by raffle draws happening during the show!


8pm, Thursday November 28th 2019


Havana Theatre, 1212 Commercial Drive, Vancouver


Tickets available through showpass or at the door.

Admission: $12 or a bag of clean plastic bags.

Raffle tickets: One ticket included with entry, additional tickets are $5 or an additional bag of clean plastic bags.


  • Help support production costs for Spec Theatre’s new play, Stuffy the Whale.
  • Aiding orca conservation efforts by donating half of all profits from the event to the Orca Conservancy, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and recovering the Southern Resident killer whale population.
  • Collecting plastic bags to be used for props and set decorations for Stuffy the Whale.
  • Showcasing Vancouver talent by bringing local artists and performers together.